Graffiti walls are an indirect research method, and a dynamic way to engage with a large number of people. Prompts can encourage writing, drawing, collaging, and more. When presented with thoughtful prompts in appropriate settings, responses can be incredibly powerful as people will oftentimes build off of other’s remarks.
Graffiti walls are presented in a location where people have easy access to respond. Since you are engaging many people, your prompt should be clear and concise, leaving little room for misinterpretation.
This method is most effective, providing the richest feedback, when it is placed in a space relevant to the prompt. Place butcher paper (or preferred material) in an easily accessible area and provide any needed tools, such as markers, pencils, colored paper, etc.
Once your wall is ready, take a picture for your research. Continue to take photographs at regular intervals (every day if possible) in case it is taken down or vandalized.